Kane Fencing Crash Barriers provide safety and protection for a range of equipment and buildings.
The crash barriers that we supply ensure that buildings and pedestrians receive the highest level of protection. Our products are engineered from high quality steel and galvanised to give additional durability.

The simple and easy construction process means that KFS Crash Barriers are the ideal solution for providing fast, high levels of protection for vast areas.
The strength and durability of the safety barrier systems provide additional safety for traffic, often helping to reduce the damaged caused in collisions and accidents.
Dimensions & Specifications
The versatility of the KFS Crash Barrier allows them to be tailored to the size, length and corners needed. With our large fleet of equipment, no job is ever too big to take on.

Applications for the KFS Crash Barrier Fencing include:
- Protecting plant machinery, property and other valuable objects.
- Retail and business parks.
- Schools, colleges, universities.
- Wildlife parks.